Two weddings and a teaching post in Cold War Berlin


Marie-Claude Hawkes continues her story with her return to Berlin in 1985 as a French teaching assistant at the Havel School RAF Gatow, teaching French and taking part in school activities in West and East Berlin.

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Between September 86 and August 87 Marie-Claude was employed as a cartoonist for the Berlin Bulletin, the weekly magazine for the British Forces in Berlin.

Marie Claude describes her experiences as a French citizen working for the British Army as well as the challenges of being a French civilian in Berlin marrying a British citizen.

In February 1988 Marie-Claude started work as the Director of Extra-Mural Studies at 46 AEC (Army Education Corps), Smuts Barracks in Spandau.  While organising various classes for service men/women and their ‘dependents’, she also provided interpreting and trips to East Berlin for various purposes, one illegal…

It’s a fascinating view of Cold War Berlin from a  perspective not heard before. Part 1 of Marie- Claude’s story is here

Episodes mentioned:

The Defence of RAF Gatow

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