Red Reporter – Covert journalist for Cold War East Germany – Part 1

  In this episode we speak to John Green. John Green grew up in Coventry. After abandoning a zoology degree course after his second year at Bristol University, he switched to Drama. In 1964 he made the adventurous move to the German Democratic Republic to study film at the National Film School in Babelsberg, near … Read more

Chasing Bears – RAF intercepts of Cold War Soviet aircraft – Part 1

Nick Anderson is a former RAF Phantom jet fighter pilot. We discuss flying in the Cold War and in detail how the RAF would have responded to a nuclear attack. We also talk about how QRA (Quick Reaction Alert)  worked and hear details of a number of missions Nick flew intercepting the Soviet  Tupolev Tu-95 codenamed … Read more

A British Journalist in Cold War East Berlin

    Today we have a joint operation where myself and Shane Whaley from the GDR Radio Podcast and Spybrary podcast speak with Peter Millar. Peter is an award winning journalist who was named Foreign Correspondent of the Year for his reporting on the dying days of the Cold War.   Now, I’m sure you’d like … Read more

Life in Cold War East Germany Photo Exhibition

<   Today we visit the Totally East: Life in East Germany Photography Exhibition. Run-down façades, punks and ordinary workers: This exhibition shows the works of Harald Hauswald, who documented everyday life in the GDR. Now I know this is the point you fast forward, but before we start I’d like to thank our latest … Read more

Eileen – A British Student Living in Cold War East Germany

Today we speak with Eileen Ford-Price who was British student in the GDR in the 1980s in Rostock. Before we start I’d like to thank all our Patreons who donate monthly to support the podcast further and get access to some exclusive extras. Monthly donations can be as small as $1 or a quid and … Read more

The Cold War Korean War in Britain

  Welcome to Episode 31 of Cold War Conversations. We speak with Doctor Grace Huxford, author of the Korean War in Britain – Citizenship, Selfhood and Forgetting. The Korean War was known as the “forgotten war”, but it is key in understanding the early Cold War tensions and later repercussions that continue through to today. … Read more

A visit to a Cold War Royal Observer Corps nuclear monitoring post

Dave Arnold was the Chief Observer of  a Royal Observer Corps nuclear monitoring post in Staffordshire in the UK. The equipment used to record today’s episode has kindly been provided by our supporters who make monthly donations via Patreon – a special thanks to all of them. If you would like to support the podcast … Read more

Cold War Living History Event – The Soviet Threat

  Welcome to Cold War Conversations episode 29 which takes place at a Living History event in and around the Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker museum in deepest Cheshire in the UK. I can heartily recommend visiting the Hack Green Bunker and we are planning an audio tour of the bunker as a future episode. … Read more

BRIXMIS, British defence of Cold War Berlin, and Hitler’s deputy Rudolf Hess

  Welcome to episode 21 of Cold War Conversations Today we’re talking to Nigel Dunkley MBE a former Royal Scots Dragoon Guard, performed intelligence gathering duties in the former East Germany with BRIXMIS during the Cold War. BRIXMIS ( British Commanders’-in-Chief Mission to the Soviet Forces in Germany) was an intelligence organisation worked throughout the Cold … Read more