The Cold War Korean War in Britain


Welcome to Episode 31 of Cold War Conversations.

We speak with Doctor Grace Huxford, author of the Korean War in Britain – Citizenship, Selfhood and Forgetting.

The Korean War was known as the “forgotten war”, but it is key in understanding the early Cold War tensions and later repercussions that continue through to today.

The equipment used in today’s episode has kindly been provided by our supporters who make monthly donations via Patreon – a special thanks to all of them.

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Now back to today’s episode.

The subjects we cover include the social impact of the Korean War within Britain, the UK view of the war, prisoners of war and brainwashing as well as protests against the war.

We welcome Dr Grace Huxford.


Korean War BBC documentary film

Korean War: Operation Big Switch POW Exchange

Fawlty Towers excerpt

The Nation – Start a War

Michael Caine talks about his Korean War experience



Audio interview with Andrew Condron – the only British POW to stay in Korea


Grace’s book – The Korean War in Britain – use discount code PODCAST before 16th Nov 2018. For 50% discount

National Service – Richard Vinen

Fight or Flight – Martin Thomas

22 stayed by Virginia Pasley

British Official History of the Korean War

Korea: The War before Vietnam Hardcover by Callum A. MacDonald

British Prisoners of the Korean War Hardcover by S P MacKenzie

Name, Rank, and Serial Number: Exploiting Korean War POWs at Home and Abroad by Charles S. Young

Thinking soldiers  – Grace’s treasured book


National Army Museum

Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum

10 Famous Korean War Veterans

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