Baltic Skies : A Swedish Air Force Pilot’s Cold War


During the Cold War Sweden outwardly maintained its neutrality, however from the 1960s the U.S. secretly promised to provide military force in aid of Sweden in case of Soviet aggression. As part of the military cooperation, the U.S. provided much help in the development of the Saab 37 Viggen aircraft.

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I spoke with Benke, a former Swedish Air Force pilot who flew the Viggen. He shares his path to becoming a pilot in the Air Force, the intricacies of flight training, encounters with Soviet aircraft during the Cold War, and the unique challenges faced by the Swedish Air Force.

This first-hand account explores his conscription in Sweden, initial flight experiences, intense training for fast jets, and the challenges of flying the iconic Viggen aircraft. The pilot shares vivid memories of Cold War encounters with Soviet fighters, his rigorous survival and evasion training, and the unique Swedish road base dispersal system. Insights into reconnaissance missions over the Baltic Sea, interactions with NATO forces, and the continuous threat posed by Soviet special forces

Join me for an insightful discussion that highlights the passion for flying and the realities of Cold War military aviation!

Episode extras here


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