Britain’s 1980s Cold War Dads Army/Home Guard – The Home Service Force

  The Home Service Force or HSF was UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s Cold War version of the World War 2 Home Guard.  Listen on Apple PodcastsListen on SpotifyListen on Google Podcasts An almost forgotten unit, the  HSF was established in 1982 and recruited from ex-regular Army, ex-territorial and ex-uniformed service personnel aged up to … Read more

Defending RAF Gatow – Britain’s airbase in Cold War Berlin

Trevor Howie’s role at RAF Gatow was advising the Station Commander on Station defence during times of war, tension or terrorist threat as well as the defence of 26 Signals Unit at the Teufelsberg listening post.   Listen on Apple PodcastsListen on SpotifyListen on Google PodcastsBecome a Patron! RAF Gatow’s western side was located right … Read more

Guarding Britain’s nuclear weapons and RAF Akrotiri during the Cold War

Following his RAF Regiment officer training Trevor Howie was posted to 34 Sqn at Raf Akrotiri in Cyprus, commanding  C Flight. The RAF regiment was effectively the Royal Air Force’s infantry, providing ground defence for air operations. Listen on Apple PodcastsListen on SpotifyListen on Google PodcastsBecome a Patron! 34 Sqn had a dual role of … Read more

British Nuclear Test Veterans

In 2021 I had the honour to speak with British nuclear test veterans at the  British Nuclear Test Veterans Association (BNTVA) annual conference. I met many veterans including John Robinson and Peter Lambourne. John Robinson was an RAF pilot who was tasked to fly into the mushroom clouds of nuclear bomb tests to capture samples … Read more

Imprisoned in a Soviet Military gaol – a BRIXMIS officer’s diary Pt 2

This is the 2nd part of my interview with Lt Col. Stephen Harrison, MBE who served for two years as a full-time Touring Officer with BRIXMIS. The tours were hazardous three-man, vehicle-borne patrols collecting intelligence on the Warsaw Pact forces in East Germany for up to five days and nights over a series of four-month … Read more

British Army Air Corps helicopter co-pilot in Cold War Germany

Paul continues his story with his recruitment into the Army Air Corps. It’s initially delayed with a tour providing airfield repair in West Germany and then the Falklands, but finally, he’s at training at Middle Wallop, the home of the Army Air Corps. He describes the training including underwater escapes, flying and navigation. As a … Read more

A boy soldier in the Cold War Royal Engineers

Paul joined the Royal Engineers in 1977, aged 16 as an apprentice. We hear of his experience of joining the army at such a young age and being away from home for the first time. After initial training, his first posting was to Osnabruck in 1979. Shortly after his arrival Paul is appointed to the … Read more

The man who built his own Cold War nuclear bunker

Graham Bate was 30-year-old Civil Servant when he built his own nuclear bunker in the garden of his rural home 20 miles outside Hull in the UK. It was here that the Bate family expected to survive for at least 3 weeks after a nuclear attack. We speak with Graham Bate and his son Conrad … Read more